Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 5, Feb 16, 2013: along Escarpment Sideroad and back

This time and in this part of the Trail it was practically impossible to go on the trail through the fields or bushes - only along the roads. So we choose a route which follow the Escarpment Sideroad an went from sideroad parking West of intersection with Mountainview Rd, crossed St.Andrew's Rd, Horseshoe Hill Rd and turned back not far from Heart Lake Rd. The total route was about 6 km and we spent near 1,5 hours of leisure walk for it. As you can see on the pictures it was foggy and it snowed little bit. Landscape was breathtaking.


  1. Очень живописные картинки! Как в старых черно-белых фильмах.
    This is a very beautiful picture! They look like the old black and white movies.

  2. Так они и были как черно-белые за исклаючением тех кадров, где Ира в рыжем полушубке. Я некоторые так и переводил в ч/б при обработке.
