Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day 3, Feb 03, 2013: from Glen Haffy Rd to Centreville Creek Rd

Red is the way to and yellow - the way back. Intersection of  hwy 50 and Glenn Haffy Rd is in the upper left corner.

This day we decided, that it would be more convenient for us to go in opposite direction. We drove on Highway 9 West from the intersection with hwy 50 and turned on the Glen Huffy Rd to South only to discover that it closed for winter after 1 km from hwy 9. Left the car there and went on on foot along the closed snowy road. At the intersection of Glenn Haffy Rd with Coolihans Sideroad we found out the parking shown on our map and two cars parked along the Coolinhans Sideroad. Here we stepped on the Bruce trail and went 500 m to the SE on it until blue signs turned us on left (NE) to the Palgrave Side Trail.

Typical view from the trail.

After40 min of ups and downs, lefts and rights the trail brought us to the intersection with the well cleaned road which we decided to be Centreville Creek Rd we were looking for. We turned right on it and went more than 1 km, but didn't find the place we reached previous day. Instead we came to the two small lakes and only now realized that we adopted a wrong road and went in opposite direction. Everything became clear after I consulted map on my smartphone. We turned 180 degree and soon reached Centreville Creek Rd. On our way back to the car we decided to go along the roads: North on Centreville Creek Rd, then left (SW) on Coolihans Sideroad to the intersection with closed Glen Haffy Rd, where the car was.
Coolinhans Sideroad  in 500 m from the parking lot.

1 comment:

  1. Одобряю создание сайта! Буду следить за его развитием и контентом!
